Jan Uekermann
Uekermann Fundraising & Communication Consultancy

Jan has been working in professional fundraising for almost two decades. His first leadership role (after several ones when he was still in school such as grade speaker) was fundraising and major gifts director and subsequently a member of the supervisory board of an international children’s organization. Today, he supports organisations in implementing or strategically anchoring fundraising, setting up major donor fundraising programmes and carrying out campaigns. He trains and coaches individuals and groups to become better and more effective in fundraising and communicating with donors. Jan loves to acquire new knowledge and at the same time to share his experience and knowledge. He is author of two books, he has published over 180 audio/video interviews with fundraising experts and he has developed the first online courses in German-speaking countries to learn to fundraise. Jan has studied the theories of fundraising at the Fundraising Academy in Germany and with a scholarship, he was able to research fundraising in the USA. He graduated with a master’s degree in fundraising and philanthropy from Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in 2020. In his lectures, coaching sessions, seminars and consulting work, he also draws on his packed bag: countless practical experiences in fundraising practice, training as a systematic consultant, further training as a professional clown. As a volunteer, Jan is currently involved e.g. in the German Fundraising Association as a member of the advisory board.

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